To participate in the conference, please send your paper of approximately 1,600 words to the e-mail: until June 1, 2021.
The text of the paper should include title, abstract, keywords, information about each author, and References. The approximate length of the abstract is 150-200 words, while the keywords – 4-6.
The following information about the author and each co-author of the paper is required: first name, middle name(s) (if any), last name; affiliation indicating the country and city. Please give the full official name of the organization (without abbreviations).
References to literature are enclosed in square brackets indicating the author, year of publication and page number, e.g. [Frazer 1983, p. 15]; [Edmonds 2010, p. 15]; [Latour 2013a, p. 180; Latour 2013b, p. 14]. The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order. Examples include:
Carneiro 1988 – Carneiro R. The Circumscription Theory: Challenge and Response // American Behavioral Scientist. 1988. Vol. 31. P. 497-511.
Collins, Evans 2010 – Collins, H., Evans R. Interactional expertise and the imitation game // Trading zones and interactional expertise. Creating new kinds of collaboration / Ed. by M.E. Gorman. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010. P. 53-70.
Frodeman, Briggle 2016 – Frodeman R., Briggle A. Socrates Tenured: the institutions of 21st Century Philosophy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. 167 p.