Paper submission guidelines

To participate in the conference, please send the title of your paper and abstract of 150-300 words to the e-mail: up to 17 February 2019 and submit your paper  until 15 March 2019.

In case your paper is co-authored, please, indicate all the authors, their affiliation and other relevant information in the online registration form. Conference paper publication is free of charge. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to accept manuscripts that do not meet the academic standards of scholarly research and the technical requirements. The submitted abstracts will be checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The proportion of the original text should not be less than 80 percent.

The paper is between 1,200 and 1,600 words and includes in-text references. The abstract, keywords, information about the author(s) and references (given in alphabetical order) should be inserted into separate forms. The abstract should be between 150 and 300 words. Please, give the following information of the author(s): the first name, middle name(s), and surname – all written in full; affiliation, country, and city. Please give the full official name of your organization.

The in-text references should be put in square brackets and contain the author, the year of publication and (if necessary) the page. Eg: [Edmonds, 2010, p. 15].

How to format the References:

Anderson, 2007 – Anderson C. The long tail: How endless choice is creating unlimited demand. London: Random, 2007. 288 pp.

Carneiro, 1970 – Carneiro R. A Theory of the Origin of the State // Science. 1970. Vol. 169. P. 733‑738.

Carneiro, 1988 – Carneiro R. The Circumscription Theory: Challenge and Response // American Behavioral Scientist. 1988. Vol. 31. P. 497-511.

Collins, 1999 – Collins R. Socially Unrecognized Cumulation // American Sociologist. June 1999. Vol. 30. Issue 2. P. 41-61., 2017 – About Academia // 2017. Available at: (accessed on: January 15, 2018).

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