Dear Colleagues,
National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, together with RAS Institute of Philosophy and Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, invites you to participate in the First All-Russian Scientific Conference “Revolution and Evolution: Models of Change in Science, Culture and Society” which will take place on 24 – 25 November 2017.
The 100th anniversary of the revolutionary events in Russia foregrounds a renewed philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon of revolution in its most diverse dimensions – social, cultural, scientific, technological, and anthropological. In the context of the dynamically changing outlines of contemporary world, it is the analysis of the revolutionary development model that is becoming the key to understanding current trends and phenomena. Within the conference theme, a revolution is contrasted to an evolution as an alternative model of changes in science, culture, and society. The choice between these two alternatives or a comprehended rejection of both of them facilitates both elucidating the current state of social existence and delineating further ways of its development.
We invite philosophers, scientists and scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in the history, current state, perspectives, and new opportunities of development of science and culture. Best papers sent to the conference will be published in an extended format in leading peer-reviewed academic journals.
Payment of all expenses of non-resident participants is performed foremost by directing side. Along with it, the Organizing Committee may provide a limited number of participants who will make timely submissions with free accommodation in Nizhny Novgorod for the duration of the conference.
Participation in the conference includes the following forms: an oral paper, invited comments, session and round table discussions, a poster presentation, and a virtual presentation.
We are planning to publish the conference proceedings. To participate in sessions and round tables, please register via until October 1 and submit your paper of approximately 10,000 characters. In case your paper is co-authored, all the co-authors should register via the online form. Conference paper publication is free of charge. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to accept manuscripts that do not meet the academic standards of scholarly research and the technical requirements given below. The Conference proceedings are planned to be registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI; Russian: РИНЦ). The manuscripts should be formatted according to the rules of the RSCI.
Paper submission guidelines.
The conference papers should be submitted electronically (in DOC / RTF format) via an online registration form at As a file name, please use the first author’s surname written in Latin letters. The manuscript should include a Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), the title of the paper, an abstract and keywords in Russian and English. The abstract should be between 150 and 300 words. Please do not use automated machine translation to translate your abstract. Your paper file should include the following information about each co-author: the first name, any middle names, and surname – all written in full; affiliation, country, and city. Please give the full official name of your organization.
Guidelines to writing an abstract.
The paper should be of 10,000 characters. Margins Left/Right and Top/Bottom 2 cm. A 14-point Times Roman font, 1.5 line spacing. First line indent 1 cm. Alignment justified. Do not include automatic hyphenation and page numbers in your submission. When referring to a reference in the text of the paper, put the number of the reference in square brackets, and then, after a comma, provide the page. Eg: [2, p. 5]. References should be given in alphabet order – first literature in Russian (if any) and then in other languages, according to the National Standard of the Russian Federation “Bibliographical reference. General Requirements and Rules of making” (GOST R 7.0.5 2008).